
Thursday, February 27, 2014

GeekOUT Conference Early Bird Registration is Live!

Registration to GeekOUT conference in Tallinn is now open! Geekout in numbers:
  • 15 amazing invited talks
  • 14 great speakers
  • Hand-picked vendors @ Demogrounds
  • Kickass party
And a special extra: Reactive Programming workshop with Erik Meijer!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Java 8 Lambdas - The Unintentional Puzzle

I was tinkering with Java 8 lambdas just lately. It happened to be an early morning on a bus from Tallinn to Tartu and I probably didn't sleep enough the night before. So I managed to puzzle myself with this little piece of code:
public class Forrest {
public Runnable wrooom(){
return () -> { System.out.println("Hello, lambda!"); };
public class RunForrestRun {
private Runnable r = new Forrest()::wrooom;
public void foo(){;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RunForrestRun runner = new RunForrestRun();;

I actually expected it to print "Hello, lambda!" when executed, but it didn't. Can you figure out why? This is a very simple puzzler, and a very silly mistake that I made. I shouldn't have used the method reference to initialize the runner variable of RunForrestRun class. However, while the example is very simple, it actually shows that the new features do bring some accidental complexity into the language.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

IntelliJ IDEA for Eclipse users

Finally! With help from the awesome RebelLabs team, I present you the Getting Started with IntelliJ IDEA as an Eclipse User report.

If you're an Eclipse user and considering to give IntelliJ IDEA a try - this is the finest read for you! If you're a convinced Eclipse (or NetBeans) user and not considering to switch to IntelliJ IDEA, still, you might learn something interesting from this report. If you are an IntelliJ IDEA fan, yet, you can find something interesting from this read.

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